Pavlov Shack

New Pavlov Shack Server

We are glad to announce a new addition to our network of servers. A new server has been put online for the Pavlov Shack version of the game for Quest2/3 players. If you have a quest you may find the server on the server browser with the following name:

[RealAct.NET] [ULTIMATE TDM 24/7] [Shack]

The server will keep a totally separate rotation from that rotating on our PC servers. You may visit the rotation page to see a list of all the maps currently rotating on the Pavlov Shack server.

The server is also monitored by our automated system which keeps the server under control by automatically kicking Team Killers and auto-balancing the player count, so both teams always have a fair player count. Please report any issues you might find so we can work on fixing them.

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