New TDM EU Server Added

We are glad to announce (Though you probably already know this by now if you are a regular player on our servers) that we have added yet a third server to our network, this time for the European players’ convenience. The server can be found on the server browser with the following instance name:

[RealAct.NET] [COOL TDM MAPS ONLY 24/7] [EU]

This server will run the exact same rotation as that of the US TDM server. Though unlikely, it might happen that the exact same map might be rotating on both servers simultaneously. However, most of the time map rotations will not occur at the same pace, since servers will most likely be rebooted and maintained at different times. We might however alter the rotation sequence a little in the upcoming days so that players have more choices when they want to join a match.

It is known that the ping is not the best when the server you are trying to play on is located in another continent across the world, so this will hopefully alleviate this for our regulars located in the EU and nearby geographical locations. Please let us know your experience with the server. Like always, if you have any questions or need to report any issues, feel free to leave a comment below, join our Discord or use this form instead if you are shy.

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